How much money should ONE person make monthly in order to live on their own in Bermuda?
Out of 85 responses, the top 3 were: $6,000 $5,000 $10,000 The average figure from the responses was $6,100. With unemployment rate being the highest ever for persons under 25 and inflation increasing – there’s no realistic way the average person can make that amount in Bermuda. Not unless you’re employed at the 8 occupations listed in the Bermuda Employment Brief 2021.

In this episode, I created an estimate of the low and high end of what someone needs to make to survive on their own in Bermuda – with stipulations. I go over the feedback from the conversations on MEDIA MAYA Instagram platform about government initiatives and cost of living. As well as the economic relief fund.

(Note: the chart estimation made by MEDIA MAYA is not an indication to follow. Trying to survive on the lowest spectrum of the estimate does not provide healthy eating habits or a healthy lifestyle – especially if you limit yourself to the lower spectrum of all categories. Remember, neither estimate includes: therapy, emergency fund, gym memberships, club memberships, pedicures, waxes, etc. it is a rough estimate)
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Sources: – Bermuda Employment Statistics Brief 2021 – Premier ministerial statement, Economic Relief update – OBA statements, Dwayne Robinson and Vic Ball – Consumer Price Index, May 2022 – Property skipper / Facebook – Friends, family and personal experience – MEDIA MAYA Instagram polls – Articles/ news reports on Bermuda’s economy: GQ mag, travel and leisure, Wall Street, The Flat: Travel Around the world