The Progressive Labour Party (PLP) won the 2020 General Election by a landslide. To win a General Election your party needs to win 19 seats out of the 36 constituencies. The PLP won 30 seats.
The One Bermuda Alliance (OBA) won the six remainig seats. And the new party: Free Democratic Movement (FDM) did not win any seats.

According to Parliamentary Registry, out of 46,311 persons who are eligible to vote – only 25,763 exercised their right to vote. That means – only 56 per cent of people registered to vote – voted.
The difference in voter turnout from this years elections compared to 2017 is presented in this graph. In each constituency there was a lower turnout than the year before.
And according to Parliamentary Registry, the 2020 General Election was the lowest voter turnout in recorded history. (Their website did not have the final count for the years: 1985, 1968, & 1963). However, for all recorded years, 2020 is the lowest.

**Prior to 1968 Bermuda was still doing the property vote – those years are unclear of how many persons had multiple votes**