808 test results were received on November 23 and four were positive.
One of the new cases was imported on the DELTA 584 from Atlanta on November 22 and tested positive on their arrival test. They did not have a pre-test and they are a resident.
The additional three are local transmission with known contact: one is a resident who had close contact in the same household as a case under investigation linked to a workplace. The remaining two are residents who had a close contact in the same household as a known case linked to the same workplace.

The statuses of our cases:
active – 25
recovered – 205
deceased 9

The age range is now 0 – 101 years. This means an infant has tested positive to Covid19. Bermuda’s country status in ‘cluster of cases’ our real time reproduction number is less than one.
The Ministry of Health will be seeking changes to the Public Health Regulations 2020. The changes are: