Minister of Health’s April 13, Press conference remarks: HERE
Premier David Burt’s April 13, Press Conference remarks: HERE
Bermuda’s stay at home order runs from April 13 – April 20.
What are the Curfew laws?
During the time of 7am – 7pm you are allowed to visit essential businesses. There are stipulations regarding grocery and gas station stores, because you can only go there on the days that correlate with your last name.
Other than that, you’re not allowed to leave your home. Read the graphic below for more information. This information can be found on the laws (LINK AT THE TOP).

Persons now have to grocery shop and visit gas stations by surname again. Here is a graphic explaining when you can go on your day.

Business are allowed to operate between 7am – 7pm during the Stay at Home Order. The list of essential businesses are as followed:

For people looking for exemptions you can fill out a form at (click lick):
To apply for the unemployment benefit, go to (click link):
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fines for breaking the regulations?
These fines can be found on page 7 & 8 of the laws (LINK AT THE TOP):
Read the laws for more information (LINK AT THE TOP). If you have more COVID-19 related questions, feel free to ask me. However, I encourage people to contact their constituency MPs because they should be able to help direct their constituents and help them with their complaints or queries regarding Government information. You can find out who your constituency MP is here (click link):