Warning, mentioned domestic abuse
A registered psychiatric nurse -who has worked in facilities Bermuda facilities like Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute (MWI) from 2020-2022 – Heather Stephen is completing her Master’s Thesis in Bermuda. Her focus is on the increase need and assistance during the lockdown period of the Covid Pandemic for the numerous persons seeking help from domestic abuse.
The purpose is to gather personal experience to help make changes to services. The following is the recruitment statement from Ms. Stephen and her university:
“If you are a woman who has accessed domestic violence services in Bermuda during the COVID-19 pandemic and are interested in talking about your experiences accessing these services, there is an opportunity for you to do so. Heather Stephen, Master of Psychiatric Nursing student completing her master’s thesis in Bermuda, wants your help.
If you have contacted Bermuda’s domestic violence services during the period of March 2020 to December 2021, Heather would love to hear more about your experience. This would involve an approximately one-hour individual interview with Heather.
The COVID-19 pandemic and shelter in place orders left female survivors of domestic abuse at home, alone with their abusers. During shelter in place regulations, Bermuda Police Service reported that these incidents more than doubled from March to April 2020. Bermuda’s community is not talking about the significance of this issue. Because of this, it is difficult to make positive changes to services. You can help improve these services through sharing your experiences. Heather wants to hear your stories. As a thank you, you will receive a $20 Marketplace gift card for participating. Email Heather at stephehm06@brandonu.ca or on Whats App at 441-799-0019 to find out more today.”