Today 2,044 test results were received by the Ministry of Health between the period of 20 -22 of November and eight were positive with Covid 19 – these include the cases reported over the weekend.

One of the new cases is classified as imported: non resident who tested positive on day 14 and had been in quarantine as a close contact of a known case identified upon arrival on the same flight.
Remaining seven had no link to travel. One of those new cases was classified as local transmission with a known contact.
The other six new cases are related to a work place setting with the details as follows: two residents classified as under investigation and linked by close contact in a work place setting and four are also residents classified as local transmission with known contact.

Source of all positive cases (as of November 23):
114- imported
97- local transmission with known contact
21- local transmission with an unknown contact
3- under investigation